Examples to demonstrate how to generate TCP traffic in NeST

This directory contains the following examples to understand how TCP traffic can be generated in NeST. Flow API is used in these examples to configure flows between a pair of hosts.

IMPORTANT Note 1: The third example listed below, which demonstrates how to disable offloads in NeST, requires ethtool to be pre-installed in your machine. It can be installed on debian based systems as:

sudo apt install ethtool

1. dctcp-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two switches s1 and s2. This program is similar to udp-point-to-point-3.py in examples/udp. One DCTCP flow is configured from h1 to h2. The links between h1 to s1 and between s2 to h2 are edge links. The link between s1 and s2 is the bottleneck link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. codel queue discipline is enabled on the link from s1 to s2, but not from s2 to s1 because data packets flow in one direction only (h1 to h2) in this example.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called dctcp-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2022-2023 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 13# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
 14# and `h2` via two switches `s1` and `s2`. This program is similar to
 15# `udp-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/udp`. One DCTCP flow
 16# is configured from `h1` to `h2`. The links between `h1` to `s1` and between
 17# `s2` to `h2` are edge links. The link between `s1` and `s2` is the bottleneck
 18# link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. `codel` queue
 19# discipline is enabled on the link from `s1` to `s2`, but not from `s2` to
 20# `s1` because data packets flow in one direction only (`h1` to `h2`) in this
 21# example.
 24#                              Network Topology                              #
 25#                                                                            #
 26#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
 27# h1 -------------------- s1 -------------------- s2 -------------------- h2 #
 28#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
 29#                                                                            #
 32# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
 33# `dctcp-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README` which
 34# provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory.
 35# See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for this program.
 37# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two switches `s1` and `s2`
 38s1 = Switch("s1")
 39s2 = Switch("s2")
 41h1 = Node("h1")
 42h2 = Node("h2")
 44# Set the IPv4 address for the network, and not the interfaces.
 45# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
 46n1 = Network("")
 48# Connect `h1` to `s1`, `s1` to `s2`, and then `s2` to `h2`
 49# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
 50# `ets1a` is the first interface at `s1` which connects it with `h1`
 51# `ets1b` is the second interface at `s1` which connects it with `s2`
 52# `ets2a` is the first interface at `s2` which connects it with `s1`
 53# `ets2b` is the second interface at `s2` which connects it with `h2`
 54(eth1, ets1a) = connect(h1, s1, network=n1)
 55(ets1b, ets2a) = connect(s1, s2, network=n1)
 56(ets2b, eth2) = connect(s2, h2, network=n1)
 58# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 61# Configure the parameters of `codel` qdisc to enable step marking with ECN,
 62# which is essential for DCTCP. For more details about `codel` in Linux,
 63# use this command on CLI: `man tc-codel`.
 64qdisc = "codel"
 65codel_parameters = {
 66    "limit": "1000",  # set the queue size to 1000 packets (default is 1000)
 67    "target": "10000ms",  # set the target queue delay to 10000ms (default is 5ms)
 68    "interval": "100ms",  # set the interval value to 100ms (default is 100ms)
 69    "ce_threshold": "40ms",  # ce_threshold = (17% of queue size in pckts * size of each packet * 8) / (bandwidth)
 70    "ecn": "",  # enables ecn marking for codel
 73# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `s1` --> `s2` --> `h2`
 74# Note: we enable `codel` queue discipline on the link from `s1` to `s2`.
 75eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `s1`
 76ets1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", qdisc, **codel_parameters)  # from `s1` to `s2`
 77ets2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from 's2' to 'h2
 79# Set the link attributes: `h2' --> `s2` --> `s1` --> `h1`
 80eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from 'h2' to `s2`
 81ets2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `s2` to `s1`
 82ets1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `s1` to `h1`
 84# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 85exp = Experiment("dctcp-point-to-point-3")
 87# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
 88# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
 89# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
 90# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
 91# number of flows is 1.
 92flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 94# Configure the TCP parameter to enable ECN by setting the parameter value to 2
 95# Note: DCTCP requires devices in a network to support ECN, hence we enable ECN
 96# on them.
 97h1.configure_tcp_param("ecn", "2")
 98s1.configure_tcp_param("ecn", "2")
 99s2.configure_tcp_param("ecn", "2")
100h2.configure_tcp_param("ecn", "2")
102# Use `flow1` as a DCTCP flow.
103exp.add_tcp_flow(flow1, "dctcp")
105# Enable collection of stats for `codel` qdisc installed on `ets1b` interface,
106# connecting `s1` to `s2`.
109# Run the experiment

2. tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to udp-point-to-point-3.py in examples/udp. Instead of UDP, one TCP BBR flow is configured from h1 to h2. The links between h1 to r1 and between r2 to h2 are edge links. The link between r1 and r2 is the bottleneck link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. pfifo queue discipline is enabled on the link from r1 to r2, but not from r2 to r1 because data packets flow in one direction only (h1 to h2) in this example. Address helper is used in this program to assign IPv4 addresses.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

 1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
 7from nest.topology import *
 8from nest.experiment import *
 9from nest.topology.network import Network
10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
14# `udp-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/udp`. Instead of UDP, one TCP BBR flow
15# is configured from `h1` to `h2`. The links between `h1` to `r1` and between
16# `r2` to `h2` are edge links. The link between `r1` and `r2` is the bottleneck
17# link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. `pfifo` queue
18# discipline is enabled on the link from `r1` to `r2`, but not from `r2` to
19# `r1` because data packets flow in one direction only (`h1` to `h2`) in this
20# example.
23#                              Network Topology                              #
24#                                                                            #
25#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
26# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
27#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
28#                                                                            #
31# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
32# `tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README` which
33# provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory.
34# See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for this program.
36# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
37h1 = Node("h1")
38h2 = Node("h2")
39r1 = Router("r1")
40r2 = Router("r2")
42# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
43# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
44n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
45n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
46n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
48# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
49# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
50# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
51# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
52# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
53# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
54(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
55(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
56(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
58# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
61# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
62# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
63# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
64# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
65eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
66etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
67etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
69# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
70eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
71etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
72etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
74# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
75# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
76# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
77h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
78h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
79r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
80r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
82# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
83exp = Experiment("tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3")
85# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
86# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
87# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
88# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
89# number of flows is 1.
90flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
92# Use `flow1` as a TCP BBR flow.
93exp.add_tcp_flow(flow1, "bbr")
95# Run the experiment

3. tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3.py in examples/tcp. Instead of TCP BBR algorithm, TCP CUBIC algorithm is used for congestion control. This example demonstrates how to customize the beta parameter for TCP CUBIC algorithm.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates two new directories called tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-default(date-timestamp)_dump and tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-beta=1000(date-timestamp)_dump. They contain a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
 13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
 14# `tcp-bbr-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/tcp`. Instead of TCP BBR
 15# algorithm, TCP CUBIC algorithm is used for congestion control. This example
 16# demonstrates how to customize the beta parameter for TCP CUBIC algorithm.
 19#                              Network Topology                              #
 20#                                                                            #
 21#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
 22# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
 23#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
 24#                                                                            #
 27# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates two new directories called
 28# `tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-default(date-timestamp)_dump`
 29# and `tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-beta=1000(date-timestamp)_dump`.
 30# They contain a `README` which provides details about the sub-directories
 31# and files within this directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping`
 32# and `ss` sub-directories for this program.
 34# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
 35h1 = Node("h1")
 36h2 = Node("h2")
 37r1 = Router("r1")
 38r2 = Router("r2")
 40# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
 41# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
 42n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
 43n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
 44n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
 46# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
 47# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
 48# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
 49# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
 50# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
 51# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
 52(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
 53(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
 54(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
 56# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 59# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
 60# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
 61# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
 62# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
 63eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
 64etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
 65etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
 67# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
 68eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
 69etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
 70etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
 72# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
 73# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
 74# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
 75h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
 76h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
 77r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
 78r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
 80# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
 81# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
 82# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
 83# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
 84# number of flows is 1.
 85flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 87# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 88exp1 = Experiment("tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-default")
 90# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow.
 91# TCP CUBIC is default in Linux, hence no additional setting is required.
 94# Set up a second Experiment
 95exp2 = Experiment("tcp-cubic-parameters-point-to-point-3-beta=1000")
 97# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow with cubic parameter beta set to 1000
 98exp2.configure_tcp_module_params("cubic", beta=1000)
101# Run the experiments

4. tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to udp-point-to-point-3.py in examples/udp. Instead of UDP, one TCP CUBIC flow is configured from h1 to h2. The links between h1 to r1 and between r2 to h2 are edge links. The link between r1 and r2 is the bottleneck link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. pfifo queue discipline is enabled on the link from r1 to r2, but not from r2 to r1 because data packets flow in one direction only (h1 to h2) in this example. Address helper is used in this program to assign IPv4 addresses.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

 1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
 7from nest.topology import *
 8from nest.experiment import *
 9from nest.topology.network import Network
10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
14# `udp-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/udp`. Instead of UDP, one TCP CUBIC
15# flow is configured from `h1` to `h2`. The links between `h1` to `r1` and
16# between `r2` to `h2` are edge links. The link between `r1` and `r2` is the
17# bottleneck link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. `pfifo`
18# queue discipline is enabled on the link from `r1` to `r2`, but not from `r2`
19# to `r1` because data packets flow in one direction only (`h1` to `h2`) in
20# this example.
23#                              Network Topology                              #
24#                                                                            #
25#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
26# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
27#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
28#                                                                            #
31# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
32# `tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README`
33# which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this
34# directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for
35# this program.
37# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
38h1 = Node("h1")
39h2 = Node("h2")
40r1 = Router("r1")
41r2 = Router("r2")
43# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
44# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
45n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
46n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
47n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
49# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
50# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
51# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
52# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
53# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
54# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
55(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
56(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
57(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
59# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
62# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
63# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
64# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
65# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
66eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
67etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
68etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
70# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
71eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
72etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
73etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
75# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
76# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
77# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
78h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
79h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
80r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
81r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
83# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
84exp = Experiment("tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3")
86# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
87# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
88# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
89# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
90# number of flows is 1.
91flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
93# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow.
94# TCP CUBIC is default in Linux, hence no additional setting is required.
97# Run the experiment

5. tcp-cubic-ssr-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py in examples/tcp. This example demonstrates how to disable and re-enable Slow Start Restart (SSR). By default, SSR is enabled in Linux kernel.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-cubic-ssr-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
 13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
 14# `tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/tcp`. This example demonstrates
 15# how to disable and re-enable Slow Start Restart (SSR). By default, SSR is
 16# enabled in Linux kernel.
 19#                              Network Topology                              #
 20#                                                                            #
 21#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
 22# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
 23#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
 24#                                                                            #
 27# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
 28# `tcp-cubic-ssr-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README`
 29# which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this
 30# directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for
 31# this program.
 33# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
 34h1 = Node("h1")
 35h2 = Node("h2")
 36r1 = Router("r1")
 37r2 = Router("r2")
 39# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
 40# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
 41n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
 42n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
 43n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
 45# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
 46# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
 47# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
 48# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
 49# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
 50# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
 51(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
 52(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
 53(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
 55# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 58# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
 59# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
 60# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
 61# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
 62eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
 63etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
 64etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
 66# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
 67eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
 68etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
 69etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
 71# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
 72# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
 73# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
 74h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
 75h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
 76r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
 77r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
 79# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 80exp = Experiment("tcp-cubic-ssr-point-to-point-3")
 82# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
 83# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
 84# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
 85# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
 86# number of flows is 1.
 87flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 89# Configure the TCP parameter to disable SSR by setting the parameter value to 0
 90# Note: SSR algorithm works only at the sender. Hence, we disable it only in h1.
 91h1.configure_tcp_param("slow_start_after_idle", "0")
 93# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow.
 94# TCP CUBIC is default in Linux, hence no additional setting is required.
 97# Run the experiment
100# Configure the parameter back to its default value
101h1.configure_tcp_param("slow_start_after_idle", "1")

6. tcp-cubic-tfo-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py in examples/tcp. This example demonstrates how to disable and re-enable TCP Fast Open (TFO). By default, TFO is enabled in Linux kernel.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-cubic-tfo-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
 13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
 14# `tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/tcp`. This example demonstrates
 15# how to disable and re-enable TCP Fast Open (TFO). By default, TFO is
 16# enabled in Linux kernel.
 19#                              Network Topology                              #
 20#                                                                            #
 21#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
 22# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
 23#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
 24#                                                                            #
 27# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
 28# `tcp-cubic-tfo-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README`
 29# which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this
 30# directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for
 31# this program.
 33# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
 34h1 = Node("h1")
 35h2 = Node("h2")
 36r1 = Router("r1")
 37r2 = Router("r2")
 39# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
 40# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
 41n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
 42n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
 43n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
 45# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
 46# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
 47# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
 48# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
 49# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
 50# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
 51(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
 52(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
 53(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
 55# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 58# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
 59# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
 60# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
 61# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
 62eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
 63etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
 64etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
 66# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
 67eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
 68etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
 69etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
 71# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
 72# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
 73# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
 74h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
 75h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
 76r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
 77r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
 79# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 80exp = Experiment("tcp-cubic-tfo-point-to-point-3")
 82# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
 83# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
 84# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
 85# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
 86# number of flows is 1.
 87flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 89# Configure the TCP parameter to disable TFO by setting the parameter value to 0
 90# Note: TFO is initiated by sender during the packet transfer. Hence, we disable
 91# TFO only for h1.
 92# TFO can take values 0, 1, 2, 3 in Linux kernel. To disable TFO, set the value
 93# to 1. To enable TFO - set it to 1, if your machine is a client; set it to 2,
 94# if your machine is a server; set it to 3, if your machine is a client as well
 95# as a server.
 96h1.configure_tcp_param("fastopen", "0")
 98# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow.
 99# TCP CUBIC is default in Linux, hence no additional setting is required.
102# Run the experiment
105# Configure the parameter back to its default value
106h1.configure_tcp_param("fastopen", "1")

7. tcp-cubic-wnd-scale-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py in examples/tcp. This example demonstrates how to disable and re-enable Window Scaling in TCP. By default, Window Scaling is enabled in Linux kernel.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-cubic-wnd-scale-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
 13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
 14# `tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/tcp`. This example demonstrates
 15# how to disable and re-enable Window Scaling in TCP. By default, Window Scaling
 16# is enabled in Linux kernel.
 19#                              Network Topology                              #
 20#                                                                            #
 21#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
 22# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
 23#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
 24#                                                                            #
 27# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
 28# `tcp-cubic-wnd-scale-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains
 29# a `README` which provides details about the sub-directories and files within
 30# this directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories
 31# for this program.
 33# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
 34h1 = Node("h1")
 35h2 = Node("h2")
 36r1 = Router("r1")
 37r2 = Router("r2")
 39# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
 40# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
 41n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
 42n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
 43n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
 45# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
 46# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
 47# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
 48# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
 49# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
 50# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
 51(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
 52(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
 53(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
 55# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 58# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
 59# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
 60# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
 61# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
 62eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
 63etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
 64etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
 66# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
 67eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
 68etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
 69etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
 71# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
 72# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
 73# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
 74h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
 75h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
 76r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
 77r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
 79# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 80exp = Experiment("tcp-cubic-wnd-scale-point-to-point-3")
 82# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
 83# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
 84# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
 85# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
 86# number of flows is 1.
 87flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 89# Configure the tcp parameter to disable Window Scaling by setting the
 90# parameter value to 0.
 91# Note: Window Scaling is set for both sender and reciever during packet
 92# transfer.
 93h1.configure_tcp_param("window_scaling", "0")
 94h2.configure_tcp_param("window_scaling", "0")
 96# Use `flow1` as a TCP CUBIC flow.
 97# TCP CUBIC is default in Linux, hence no additional setting is required.
100# Run the experiment
103# Configure the parameter back to its default value.
104h1.configure_tcp_param("window_scaling", "1")
105h2.configure_tcp_param("window_scaling", "1")

8. tcp-offloads-point-to-point.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py. It demonstrates how to disable Generic Segmentation Offload (GSO), Generic Receive Offload (GRO) and TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO). By default, these offloads are enabled in the Linux kernel. Address helper is used in this program to assign IPv4 addresses.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-offloads-point-to-point(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

 1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
 7from nest.topology import *
 8from nest.experiment import *
 9from nest.topology.network import Network
10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
14# `tcp-cubic-point-to-point-3.py`. It demonstrates how to disable Generic
15# Segmentation Offload (GSO), Generic Receive Offload (GRO) and TCP
16# Segmentation Offload (TSO). By default, these offloads are enabled in the
17# Linux kernel.
20#                              Network Topology                              #
21#                                                                            #
22#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
23# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
24#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
25#                                                                            #
28# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
29# `tcp-offloads-point-to-point(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README`
30# which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this
31# directory. See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for
32# this program.
34# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
35h1 = Node("h1")
36h2 = Node("h2")
37r1 = Router("r1")
38r2 = Router("r2")
40# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
41# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
42n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
43n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
44n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
46# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
47# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
48# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
49# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
50# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
51# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
52(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
53(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
54(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
56# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
59# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
60# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
61# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
62# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
63eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
64etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
65etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
67# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
68eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
69etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
70etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
72# Set default routes in all hosts and routers.
73h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
74h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
75r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
76r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
78# Disable GSO, GRO and TSO. For more details about offloads, visit this link:
79# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/segmentation-offloads.txt
80offload_type = ["gso", "gro", "tso"]
86# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
87exp = Experiment("tcp-offloads-point-to-point")
89# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`.
90flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
92# Use `flow1` as a TCP flow. TCP CUBIC is default in Linux.
95# Run the experiment

9. tcp-reno-point-to-point-3.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts h1 and h2 via two routers r1 and r2. This program is similar to udp-point-to-point-3.py in examples/udp. Instead of UDP, one Reno flow is configured from h1 to h2. The links between h1 to r1 and between r2 to h2 are edge links. The link between r1 and r2 is the bottleneck link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. pfifo queue discipline is enabled on the link from r1 to r2, but not from r2 to r1 because data packets flow in one direction only (h1 to h2) in this example. Address helper is used in this program to assign IPv4 addresses.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-reno-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README that provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

 1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
 7from nest.topology import *
 8from nest.experiment import *
 9from nest.topology.network import Network
10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect two hosts `h1`
13# and `h2` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. This program is similar to
14# `udp-point-to-point-3.py` in `examples/udp`. Instead of UDP, one Reno flow
15# is configured from `h1` to `h2`. The links between `h1` to `r1` and between
16# `r2` to `h2` are edge links. The link between `r1` and `r2` is the bottleneck
17# link with lesser bandwidth and higher propagation delays. `pfifo` queue
18# discipline is enabled on the link from `r1` to `r2`, but not from `r2` to
19# `r1` because data packets flow in one direction only (`h1` to `h2`) in this
20# example.
23#                              Network Topology                              #
24#                                                                            #
25#      1000mbit, 1ms -->       10mbit, 10ms -->       1000mbit, 1ms -->      #
26# h1 -------------------- r1 -------------------- r2 -------------------- h2 #
27#     <-- 1000mbit, 1ms       <-- 10mbit, 10ms        <-- 1000mbit, 1ms      #
28#                                                                            #
31# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
32# `tcp-reno-point-to-point-3(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README` that
33# provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory.
34# See the plots in `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for this program.
36# Create two hosts `h1` and `h2`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
37h1 = Node("h1")
38h2 = Node("h2")
39r1 = Router("r1")
40r2 = Router("r2")
42# Set the IPv4 address for the networks, and not the interfaces.
43# We will use the `AddressHelper` later to assign addresses to the interfaces.
44n1 = Network("")  # network on the left of `r1`
45n2 = Network("")  # network between two routers
46n3 = Network("")  # network on the right of `r2`
48# Connect `h1` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h2`
49# `eth1` and `eth2` are the interfaces at `h1` and `h2`, respectively.
50# `etr1a` is the first interface at `r1` which connects it with `h1`
51# `etr1b` is the second interface at `r1` which connects it with `r2`
52# `etr2a` is the first interface at `r2` which connects it with `r1`
53# `etr2b` is the second interface at `r2` which connects it with `h2`
54(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
55(etr1b, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n2)
56(etr2b, eth2) = connect(r2, h2, network=n3)
58# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
61# Set the link attributes: `h1` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h2`
62# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline on the link from `r1` to `r2`.
63# Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details about
64# `pfifo` in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
65eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
66etr1b.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
67etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h2`
69# Set the link attributes: `h2` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1`
70eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r2`
71etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
72etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
74# Set default routes in `h1` and `h2`. Additionally, set default routes in
75# `r1` and `r2` so that the packets that cannot be forwarded based on the
76# entries in their routing table are sent via a default interface.
77h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
78h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
79r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1b)
80r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
82# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
83exp = Experiment("tcp-reno-point-to-point-3")
85# Configure a flow from `h1` to `h2`. We do not use it as a TCP flow yet.
86# The `Flow` API takes in the source node, destination node, destination IP
87# address, start and stop time of the flow, and the total number of flows.
88# In this program, start time is 0 seconds, stop time is 200 seconds and the
89# number of flows is 1.
90flow1 = Flow(h1, h2, eth2.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
92# Use `flow1` as a TCP Reno flow.
93exp.add_tcp_flow(flow1, "reno")
95# Run the experiment

10. tcp-udp-point-to-point.py

This program emulates point to point networks that connect four hosts: h1

  • h4 via two routers r1 and r2. One TCP flow is configured from h1 to h3 and one UDP flow is configured from h2 to h4.

This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called tcp-udp-point-to-point(date-timestamp)_dump. It contains a README which provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory. See the plots in iperf3, netperf, ping and ss sub-directories for this program.

Source code

  1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
  2# Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NITK Surathkal
  7from nest.topology import *
  8from nest.experiment import *
  9from nest.topology.network import Network
 10from nest.topology.address_helper import AddressHelper
 12# This program emulates point to point networks that connect four hosts: `h1`
 13# - `h4` via two routers `r1` and `r2`. One TCP flow is configured from `h1` to
 14# `h3` and one UDP flow is configured from `h2` to `h4`.
 17#                              Network Topology                              #
 18#                                                                            #
 19#    <- 1000mbit, 1ms ->                              <- 1000mbit, 1ms ->    #
 20# h1 --------------------|                          |-------------------- h3 #
 21#           TCP          |                          |         TCP            #
 22#                        |    <- 10mbit, 10ms ->    |                        #
 23#                         r1 -------------------- r2                         #
 24#                        |      pfifo qdisc -->     |                        #
 25#           UDP          |                          |         UDP            #
 26# h2 --------------------|                          |-------------------- h4 #
 27#    <- 1000mbit, 1ms ->                              <- 1000mbit, 1ms ->    #
 28#                                                                            #
 31# This program runs for 200 seconds and creates a new directory called
 32# `tcp-udp-point-to-point(date-timestamp)_dump`. It contains a `README` which
 33# provides details about the sub-directories and files within this directory.
 34# See the plots in `iperf3`, `netperf`, `ping` and `ss` sub-directories for
 35# this program.
 37# Create four hosts `h1` to `h4`, and two routers `r1` and `r2`
 38h1 = Node("h1")
 39h2 = Node("h2")
 40h3 = Node("h3")
 41h4 = Node("h4")
 42r1 = Router("r1")
 43r2 = Router("r2")
 45# Set the IPv4 address for the networks
 46n1 = Network("")  # network consisting `h1` and `r1`
 47n2 = Network("")  # network consisting `h2` and `r1`
 48n3 = Network("")  # network between two routers
 49n4 = Network("")  # network consisting `r2` and `h3`
 50n5 = Network("")  # network consisting `r2` and `h4`
 52# Connect `h1` and `h2` to `r1`, `r1` to `r2`, and then `r2` to `h3` and `h4`.
 53# `eth1` to `eth4` are the interfaces at `h1` to `h4`, respectively.
 54# `etr1a`, `etr1b` and `etr1c` are three interfaces at `r1` that connect it
 55# with `h1`, `h2` and `r2`, respectively.
 56# `etr2a`, `etr2b` and `etr2c` are three interfaces at `r2` that connect it
 57# with `r1`, `h3` and `h4`, respectively.
 58(eth1, etr1a) = connect(h1, r1, network=n1)
 59(eth2, etr1b) = connect(h2, r1, network=n2)
 60(etr1c, etr2a) = connect(r1, r2, network=n3)
 61(etr2b, eth3) = connect(r2, h3, network=n4)
 62(etr2c, eth4) = connect(r2, h4, network=n5)
 64# Assign IPv4 addresses to all the interfaces in the network.
 67# Set the link attributes: `h1` and `h2` --> `r1` --> `r2` --> `h3` and `h4`
 68# Note: we enable `pfifo` queue discipline (qdisc) on the link from `r1` to
 69# `r2`. Default configuration of `pfifo` in Linux is used. For more details
 70# about `pfifo` qdisc in Linux, use this command on CLI: `man tc-pfifo`.
 71eth1.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h1` to `r1`
 72eth2.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h2` to `r1`
 73etr1c.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms", "pfifo")  # from `r1` to `r2`
 74etr2b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h3`
 75etr2c.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r2` to `h4`
 77# Set the link attributes: `h3` and `h4` --> `r2` --> `r1` --> `h1` and `h2`
 78eth3.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h3` to `r2`
 79eth4.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `h4` to `r2`
 80etr2a.set_attributes("10mbit", "10ms")  # from `r2` to `r1`
 81etr1a.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h1`
 82etr1b.set_attributes("1000mbit", "1ms")  # from `r1` to `h2`
 84# Set default routes in all the hosts and routers.
 85h1.add_route("DEFAULT", eth1)
 86h2.add_route("DEFAULT", eth2)
 87h3.add_route("DEFAULT", eth3)
 88h4.add_route("DEFAULT", eth4)
 89r1.add_route("DEFAULT", etr1c)
 90r2.add_route("DEFAULT", etr2a)
 92# Set up an Experiment. This API takes the name of the experiment as a string.
 93exp = Experiment("tcp-udp-point-to-point")
 95# Configure one flow from `h1` to `h3` and another from `h2` to `h4`.
 96flow1 = Flow(h1, h3, eth3.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 97flow2 = Flow(h2, h4, eth4.get_address(), 0, 200, 1)
 99# Use `flow1` as a TCP flow. TCP CUBIC is default in Linux.
102# Use `flow2` as a UDP flow, and set the rate at which it would send packets.
103exp.add_udp_flow(flow2, target_bandwidth="10mbit")
105# Run the experiment