.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only Copyright (c) 2019-2021 NITK Surathkal Tutorial ======== This section provides an in-depth explanation of the example programs available in the examples/basic-examples directory. These examples cover some of the most commonly used APIs in **NeST**. Let's begin by building a simple topology with two hosts. 1. point-to-point-1.py ---------------------- This program (examples/basic-examples/point-to-point-1.py) emulates a point to point network between two hosts ``h1`` and ``h2``. The main aim of this example is to demonstrate the usage of basic APIs of NeST to create a network topology, configure link attributes, assign IPv4 addresses and test the connectivity between two hosts by sending one ping packet from ``h1`` to ``h2``. The program outputs whether the transmission of the ping packets succeeded or failed. The network topology is as shown below: .. code-block:: sh ################################# # Network Topology # # # # 5mbit, 5ms --> # # h1 ------------------- h2 # # <-- 10mbit, 100ms # # # ################################# Let's build this topology using NeST! i) Building topology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first step is to import NeST:: from nest.topology import * The ``topology`` submodule in NeST provides APIs to build emulated network topologies. Next, let's create the two hosts, ``h1`` and ``h2``:: h1 = Node("h1") h2 = Node("h2") ``Node`` is a class defined in NeST which emulates a node internally. Note that ``Node`` takes a string parameter, representing the node name. Internally, ``Node`` uses network namespaces for emulation. Refer :ref:`Introduction to Developer Docs` to know more about the internal architecture of NeST. Now that two hosts are created, let's connect them using "virtual ethernet devices" (veth pairs):: (eth1, eth2) = connect(h1, h2) The ``connect`` API first creates a ``veth`` pair, which are the two network interfaces connected to each other. Next, it assigns one of the interfaces to ``h1`` and the other interface to ``h2``. So, ``eth1`` interface is assigned to ``h1`` and ``eth2`` interface is assigned to ``h2``. Since ``eth1`` and ``eth2`` are two endpoints, ``h1`` and ``h2`` are now connected to each other! The next step is to assign an IPv4 address to every interface in the network. In this example, we assume that the IPv4 address of the network is, and hence, we assign the IPv4 addresses to ``eth1`` and ``eth2`` as follows:: eth1.set_address("") eth2.set_address("") We have assigned the address ```` to ``eth1`` and ```` to ``eth2``. The ``/24`` in the address specifies the subnet and we want both the interfaces to be in the same subnet. The ``set_address`` API takes the address as a string. Note that it is important to mention the subnet. Although we have the network topology ready now, we have not configured the characteristics of the links (such as maximum bandwidth, propagation delay) between ``h1`` and ``h2``. So the next step in the program is to configure the link characteristics. The following piece of code does that:: eth1.set_attributes("5mbit", "5ms") eth2.set_attributes("10mbit", "100ms") The attributes for the link from ``h1`` to ``h2`` are set at interface ``eth1`` (and vice versa). The first API call, ``eth1.set_attributes("5mbit", "5ms")`` sets the bandwidth to ``5 mbit`` and propagation delay to ``5 ms`` for the link in the direction of ``h1`` to ``h2``. The second API call sets the bandwidth and propagation delay for the link in the direction of ``h2`` to ``h1``. Note that the bandwidth and propagation delay can be asymmetric. In the real deployments, upload and download bandwidth is not the same, and even propagation delays can vary because the forward and reverse paths can be different. Lastly, let's configure a ``ping`` packet to be sent from ``h1`` to ``h2``. The ``ping`` API, by default, sends five ping packets from ``h1`` to ``h2`` and reports whether they succeeded or failed. It takes the IP address of the destination host, as shown below:: h1.ping(eth2.address) We have now successfully built and configured the network topology! Let's run the program and analyze the output. ii) Running network experiment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The command to run this program and a sample output are shown below: .. code-block:: console $ sudo python3 point-to-point-1.py === PING from h1 to === PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=210 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=105 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=105 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=105 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=105 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 105.133/126.169/210.260/42.047 ms [INFO] : Cleaned up environment! If you get the output similar to the one shown above, then the program ran successfully for you! If not, then there is likely an error in the way NeST was installed. Please refer :ref:`Installation` and ensure that you completed all the required steps. When the above program is run, the required topology is created by NeST. On exit, as the output of the program indicates, this topology is deleted. NeST provides a ``config`` option using which the users can choose to retain the topology, instead of deleting it, during termination. The ``config`` options supported in NeST are discussed here :ref:`Config Usage`.