.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only Copyright (c) 2019-2021 NITK Surathkal Config Usage ============ NeST uses config to let the user define a few properties of NeST. For example, whether or not all the namespaces are to be deleted after the completion of the program is decided by the value of that parameter. All parameters have a default value set by NeST. However, the default values can be overridden using API's of :ref:`Config` module. They can also be overridden using files named as `nest-config.json` in specified locations such as "`/etc/nest-config.json`", "`~/.nest-config.json`" and in the current working directory as "`nest-config.json`" with increasing priority (if the same parameter has different values in different files, the one with the higher priority is chosen) Now, let's take a look at all the parameters that can be configured .. note:: | To be read as | ** (Default_value)** - Description | Possible values | **plot_results (true)** - When set to True, the results are plotted | ``true, false`` | **readme_in_stats_folder (true)** - When set to True, a readme file is added in the results folder, with information about how the results are stored | ``true, false`` | **show_progress_bar (true)** - When set to True, a progress bar indicating experiment progress is shown. | ``true, false`` | **routing_suite ("quagga")** - A string, which tells which suite is to be used for dynamic routing | ``"quagga", "frr"`` | **routing_logs (false)** - When set to true, routing logs are written to files in a dedicated logs folder | ``true, false`` | **assign_random_names (true)** - When set to True, uses random names (i.e., uniquely generated ids) generated by NeST for all the namespaces and devices | ``true, false`` | **default_bandwidth ("1024mbit")** - The default bandwidth to be set to every connection | ``""`` | number - any positive number | unit - kbit, mbit, gbit | **delete_namespaces_on_termination (true)** - When set to true, deletes all namespaces that were created by NeST, on termination | ``true, false`` | **mpeg_dash_delete_encoded_chunks_on_termination (false)** - When set to true, deletes all encoded MPEG-DASH chunks that were created by NeST, on termination | ``true, false`` | **disable_dad (true)** - When set to true, Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) in ipv6 is disabled | ``true, false`` | **log_level (INFO)** - Decides how detailed the logging must be, using python's logging levels | ``"NOTSET", "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"`` | (Increasing order of value. Lower value => Lesser critical information also logged)